Pilgrim Lutheran Church
The Third Sunday in Advent
December 12, 2021
This service took place on the third Sunday in Advent, traditionally named Gaudete Sunday, because of it's joyful theme. Come be JOYFUL with us! Consider joining us for Adult Bible class at 9:15, when we will consider another promise God gives us through His prophet Isaiah: Joy for God's People.
Old Testament: Zephaniah 3:14–20
Psalm: Psalm 85
Epistle: Philippians 4:4–7
Gospel: Luke 7:18–28
As I read the Gospel, I was reminded of an American folk song “I Wonder as I Wander”. This song seems to capture the Advent question asked by John the Baptist’s messengers. “Are You the one,” they wondered, “or shall we look for another?” We wonder and wander, constantly looking for that one thing, that one idea, that one person, that one amount of money that unlocks the way to a better life. In these Advent days, we wander after the gifts, gatherings and decorations which will make this the one best Christmas… But none of these things can deliver to us, what only Jesus can. Today we rejoice that in spite of our wonderings and wanderings, Jesus remains the One. He is the One by whom the blind saw, the lame walked, lepers were cleansed, demon-possessed people were freed, and the dead were raised. Jesus is the one who will restore all creation to its original perfection and who, when He comes again in glory, will restore all things forever.
To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.