The Transfiguration of Our Lord
February 27, 2022
Epistle: Hebrews 3:1–6
Gospel: Luke 9:28–36
When was the last time you had a “mountaintop” view or experience? Perhaps you’ve climbed an actual mountain and looked out at a stunning view. I remember being atop the Sears Tower [now the Willis Tower] in Chicago, peering down 110 stories to the streets below or miles away to the Indiana shoreline. The birth of children or saying and hearing “I do!” are other common “mountaintop” moments; perhaps you’ve been so blessed in similar ways.
The gospel text for today describes one of many “mountaintop” experiences in the Bible, where God Himself reveals Himself to His people. For what purpose does God give us these glimpses of Himself and His glory? In today’s text, there must be something more than rolling our eyes at another one of Peter’s bold but misguided comments! Come, see, and hear another glimpse of God’s glory, and how it is good for you!
Pastor Mark
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS Burton, Michigan
office: 810.744.1188
mobile: 248.881.7627
Soli Deo Gloria
"Teach me O LORD, ...give me understanding, that I may keep Your law...” Psalm 119:33-34