Pilgrim Lutheran Church
The Baptism of our Lord
January 9, 2022
This worship services celebrates the Baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ, and explores our own baptism. If you are not baptized in the name of the one, triune God, please contact me so we can discuss what Jesus has done for you and wants to give to you!
Old Testament: Isaiah 43:1–7
Psalm: Psalm 29
Epistle: Romans 6:1–11
Gospel: Luke 3:15–22
In today’s gospel lesson, St. Luke does not record as many vivid details of Jesus’ baptism as we see in other gospel accounts. We see Jesus, standing in the Jordan River and being baptized with the others. What a great picture of Jesus, standing in our place, being fully human and one of “us”. But Jesus’ baptism was different from John’s baptizing of others and it is different from your baptism and mine.
What does it mean, that Jesus “will baptize [us] with the Holy Spirit and with fire”? John goes on to describe Jesus burning the chaff “with unquenchable fire”. This sounds threatening and frightening.
It is important that we understand these images and these three baptisms. We will see that Jesus was baptized so He can baptize you and give to you “newness of life”!
To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.