The Transfiguration
Alexander Ivanov 1824
Pilgrim Lutheran Church
The Transformation of Our Lord
March 2, 2025
We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!
This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church! Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our Adult Bible study at 9:15 am, then our 10:30 am Worship service. Afterward, we gathered for food and conversations, while the children enjoyed Sunday School. These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!
If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings! Anyone can watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.
Here is information about this worship service:
Old Testament: Deuteronomy 34:1–12
Psalm: Psalm 99
Epistle: Hebrews 3:1–6
Gospel: Luke 9:28–36
Epistle: Hebrews 3:1–6
Gospel: Luke 9:28–36
God’s Epiphany drama, the revealing of Jesus His Son, reaches its glorious climax today on Mount Nebo in the Transfiguration of Our Lord. From here, we travel down off the mountain and through the valley of Lent. We move from glory to suffering, a trip with which we’re all too familiar in our daily lives. But the dazzling glory we see in Jesus today is not extinguished, even though His human form returns to Him. You will see Jesus’ glory shining even more powerfully on Good Friday at the moment Jesus bears your sin-punishment. You’ll see Jesus’ glorious bodily resurrection on Easter morning, which guarantees your bodily resurrection when Jesus gloriously returns on the Last Day.
God’s Epiphany drama, the revealing of Jesus His Son, reaches its glorious climax today on Mount Nebo in the Transfiguration of Our Lord. From here, we travel down off the mountain and through the valley of Lent. We move from glory to suffering, a trip with which we’re all too familiar in our daily lives. But the dazzling glory we see in Jesus today is not extinguished, even though His human form returns to Him. You will see Jesus’ glory shining even more powerfully on Good Friday at the moment Jesus bears your sin-punishment. You’ll see Jesus’ glorious bodily resurrection on Easter morning, which guarantees your bodily resurrection when Jesus gloriously returns on the Last Day.
To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Mark
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS Burton, Michigan
office: 810.744.1188
We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:
Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.
Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.
Soli Deo Gloria
"Restore us, O God, let Your face shine, that we may be saved!" Psalm 80:3
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