Are you hungry and thirsty? Go grab a snack and come back to read more!

Seriously, if your life today feels like you've lost your way and you're wandering in a wasteland, the
Lord has some very good news for you in this psalm!
PSALM 107:1-9
1 Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,
for His steadfast love endures forever!
2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so,
whom He has redeemed from trouble
3 and gathered in from the lands, from the east and from the west,
from the north and from the south.
4 Some wandered in desert wastes,
finding no way to a city to dwell in;
5 hungry and thirsty,
their soul fainted within them.
6 Then they cried to the Lord in their trouble,
and He delivered them from their distress.
7 He led them by a straight way
till they reached a city to dwell in.
8 Let them thank the Lord for His steadfast love,
for His wondrous works to the children of man!
9 For He satisfies the longing soul,
and the hungry soul He fills with good things.
No matter where you're wandering today, no matter what is troubling or distressing you, no matter how many are your sins, the Lord always gives you His steadfast love, which endures forever! In what ways does this psalm show us the Lord's loving gifts?
First, Jesus Christ, the Son of God has redeemed you from the trouble of your sins [v2]. Jesus did this by becoming a fully-human man, living the only sinless life, and then laying down His life and dying on the cross. It was there on the cross that Jesus took ALL the punishment that you deserve for ALL your sins. Jesus redeemed you, He bought you back from death, and He paid the price to make you a forgiven child of God, His Father.
Second, God the Holy Spirit gathers and leads you [v3] to dwell & live in the safety of God's city [v4], to live in God's own family. In your baptism, or by God's Word, the Holy Spirit has named and claimed you; you're a child of God living in His family forever!
Third, the Lord fills your soul with good things [v9], really good things which last forever! God your heavenly Father fills you with the forgiveness of ALL your sins, removing guilt and fear from your wandering life on this earth. God your Father, by raising Jesus His Son from death, will also raise you from your death and welcome you to spend FOREVER with Him in heaven!
Wow, those are really good gifts, the best gifts you will ever receive! So, give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, whose steadfast love and good gifts both endure forever!
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