Thursday, February 29, 2024

Thursday Psalms: The Heavens Declare!

I pray our Psalm for this Thursday comforts you, reminding you of your Savior's amazing love & mercy.

PSALM  19     A Psalm of David.

The heavens declare the glory of God,

      and the sky above proclaims His handiwork.

Day to day pours out speech,

      and night to night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words,

      whose voice is not heard.

Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

   In them He has set a tent for the sun, 

      which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,

         and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.

Its rising is from the end of the heavens,

      and its circuit to the end of them,

            and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul;

      the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple;

the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart;

      the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes;

the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever;

      the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether.

10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;

      sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.

11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned;

      in keeping them there is great reward.

12 Who can discern his errors?

      Declare me innocent from hidden faults.

13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins;

      let them not have dominion over me!

    Then I shall be blameless,

        and innocent of great transgression.

14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart

      be acceptable in your sight,

            O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. 

The first six verses describe the glorious heavens God created.. The heavens declare God's praise and all His creation shows His glory as they daily & faithfully carry out the tasks God has assigned them to do.  How rarely do we think of the creation around us obediently being under the guidance of God, the Creator?

In verses 7-11 we see a shift.  The same perfection, surety, and righteousness we see in God's creation, we experience in His law, in His testimony, in His precepts and His commandments!  Unfortunately, you and I are not so faithful at fulfilling our given tasks.  We are unable to obey God's perfect law.  

But God's grace and forgiveness revealed in His Word are even more majestic, marvelous and glorious than the heavens!  Because Jesus was obedient and took your punishment, God declares you INNOCENT of your hidden faults and great transgressions!    

Thanks be to God for His glorious gifts to you and me!

Peace in God alone,
Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

     Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a


Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Pilgrim Worship Wednesday February 28, 2024

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

Lenten Evening Prayer

February 28, 2024

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another Wednesday worship service during the season of Lent.  If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us in-person on Wednesdays at 4pm or 7pm.  You can also watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.

Here is information about today's worship service:

We continue our 2024 Lenten journey, praying in Psalm 41:  O Lord, be gracious to me.  Our Lord Jesus Christ is the subject of all the Scriptures, both the Old and New Testaments.  But some passages say puzzling and seemingly impossible things about Him.  Consider Psalm 41:4: “O LORD, be gracious to me; heal me, for I have sinned against You.”  David, the writer of this psalm, was indeed a sinner who needed God’s gracious forgiveness.  How puzzling it is that we would apply this confession of sin to our sinless Lord!  We can and must, and your Baptism makes it possible.  For in Baptism, your sinless Jesus has joined Himself to you and has fulfilled all the words that testify of Him.  

May the Holy Spirit stir up your heart with God's Word this week, and throughout the coming season of Lent!

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

       Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a  

Monday, February 26, 2024

Pilgrim Worship Sunday February 25, 2024

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The Second Sunday in Lent

February 25, 2024

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our Adult Bible study at 9:15 am, then our 10:30 am Worship service.  Afterward, we gathered for food and conversations, while the children enjoyed Sunday School.  These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!  Anyone can watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.

Here is information about today's worship service:

  Old Testament:  Genesis 17:1–7, 15–16
               Psalm:  Psalm 22:23–31
              Epistle:   Romans 5:1–11
             Gospel:   Mark 8:27–38

At the time of our Old Testament text, God had already made several incredible promises to Abram.  But he is still having a real problem believing the promises of God, especially that he and his wife Sarai will have a son of their own.  In fact, both of them laughed at the idea.  Yet God remained faithful to them and to His promises.  God calls and renews His covenant with Abram.  God even gives new names to both of them.  Where do you fit into this text?

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

       Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a 

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Pilgrim Worship Wednesday February 21, 2024

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

Lenten Evening Prayer

February 21, 2024

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another Wednesday worship service during the season of Lent.  If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us in-person on Wednesdays at 4pm or 7pm.  You can also watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.

Here is information about today's worship service:


We continue our 2024 Lenten journey, praying in Psalm 41:  O Lord, be gracious to me.  We'll focus on how God SUSTAINS US IN SICKNESS (Psalm 41:3).  Because of Adam & Eve's first sin, our human nature is stuck with original sin.  Not only has sin separated us from God, but our bodies endure all kinds of sickness and injury.  King David announces God’s answer to this catastrophe in Psalm 41:3: “The LORD sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness You restore him to full health.” This is a beautiful promise, but what does it mean for you and your suffering?

May the Holy Spirit stir up your heart with God's Word this week, and throughout the coming season of Lent!

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

       Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a 

Thursday Psalms: God Hears When You Cry

Today we receive a short reminder of the Lord's care for us, for which we praise and glorify Him!

PSALM 22:23-26

23 You who fear the Lord, praise Him!

     All you offspring of Jacob, glorify Him,

         and stand in awe of Him, all you offspring of Israel!

24 For He has not despised or abhorred the affliction of the afflicted,

     and He has not hidden His face from him,

         but has heard, when he cried to Him.

25 From you comes my praise in the great congregation;

     my vows I will perform before those who fear Him.

26 The afflicted shall eat and be satisfied;

     those who seek Him shall praise the Lord!

         May your hearts live forever!

All praise & glory is due the Lord, and all who know, fear and serve Him are glad to praise Him.  We stand in awe of Him, and His amazing works among us.  Verse 23 reminds us why we honor  the Lord.  God does not turn away from us, who are afflicted and needy.  In His love and great mercy, God does just the opposite, actually.  God hears your prayers when you cry to Him!

We are all afflicted in many ways, including bodily sickness, broken relationships, broken hearts, and confused minds.  The worst, and the cause of all our afflictions, is our sin.  You are sinful, and you sin every day.  Of all the afflictions for which we cry to the Lord, this one can kill your soul.  So we cry out to the Lord, saying "Lord have mercy!  Father, forgive me!"  Here is the good news for you today:   the Lord your God hears your cries and promises to forgive your sins.  God removes your sins; He remembers them NO MORE!

So today, praise & glorify the Lord, who forgives you!  You and your heart will live forever with Him in heaven!

Peace in God alone,
Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

     Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a

Monday, February 19, 2024

Pilgrim Worship Sunday February 18, 2024

The Sacrifice of Isaac    Pedro Orrente   1580-1645

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The First Sunday in Lent

February 18, 2024

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our Adult Bible study at 9:15 am, then our 10:30 am Worship service.  Afterward, we gathered for food and conversations, while the children enjoyed Sunday School.  These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!  Anyone can watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.

Here is information about today's worship service:

  Old Testament:  Genesis 22:1–18
               Psalm:   Psalm 25:1–10
              Epistle:   James 1:12–18
              Gospel:   Mark 1:9–15

There are so many things in the world around us that are so wrong.  We’re sad & frustrated from a distance, but it’s worse when it becomes personal.  When God allows things in your life to go terribly wrong, the pain and suffering can become almost unbearable.  Consider Abraham & Isaac.  Something seems terribly wrong when God tells Abraham to kill his son, his only son who Abraham loved so much.  How could Abraham respond with such daring trust & confidence?  Can God give that kind of trust to you, too?

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

       Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a 

Thursday, February 15, 2024

Thursday Psalms: God Remembers You Forever!

From ancient times the season of Lent has been kept as a time of special devotion, self-denial, and humble repentance.  Lent is also a time of waiting.  We wait, pondering our shameful sins but at the same time, we're also awaiting something much, much better.  We're waiting to witness once again our Savior Jesus, saving us from our sins as He dies on the cruel and blood-soaked cross.  Verse three of Psalm 25 encourages us in this.  As we wait for Jesus our Savior, we wait in forgiveness, not in shame.

Psalm  25:1-15
1  To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
2  O my God, in You I trust; let me not be put to shame; 
      let not my enemies exult over me.
3  Indeed, none who wait for You shall be put to shame;
      they shall be ashamed who are wantonly treacherous.
4  Make me to know Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.
5  Lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation;
            for You I wait all the day long.
6  Remember Your mercy, O Lord, and Your steadfast love, 
      for they have been from of old.
7  Remember not the sins of my youth or my transgressions;
      according to Your steadfast love remember me, 
          for the sake of Your goodness, O Lord!
8  Good and upright is the Lord; therefore He instructs sinners in the way.
9  He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble His way.
10 All the paths of the Lord are steadfast love and faithfulness,
      for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

And what shall we do, as we wait during Lent?  O sure, you can give up donuts or gossiping or bank robbing for Lent.  All good & valuable if your daily "suffering" points you to confessing your sins and receiving God's forgiveness.  

Verses 4-5 encourage another daily discipline during Lent.  Look to the Lord; to teach you His ways and to lead you on His paths.  Ask God daily to show you His truth and teach you.  And then we wait all the day long, anticipating what the Holy Spirit will give to us.  We wait, all Lent long, anticipating the joy & freedom which will wash over us on Easter morning.  

What is the source of the Easter joy for which we wait?  God tells you in verses 6 & 7.  It is the Lord's mercy, the Lord's love.  And these gifts are not just for Easter, the Lord's mercy & love have been around from old, from God's creation of this world and all things therein.  And the Lord's mercy & love continue for you EVERY DAY of your life, both here on earth and forever in heaven!

God remembers you forever, but your confessed & forgiven sins, God remembers NOT!  Thanks be to God, for His great goodness!  

Peace in God alone,
Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

     Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a 

Pilgrim Worship Ash Wednesday February 14, 2024

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

Ash Wednesday

February 14, 2024

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was the first in our Wednesday worship services during the season of Lent.  If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us in-person on Wednesdays at 4pm or 7pm.  You can also watch our services live on Facebook or later on Pilgrim's website.

Here is information about today's worship service:


Tomorrow we begin our 2024 Lenten journey, considering Psalm 41 each Wednesday as we pray:  O Lord, be gracious to me.  Tomorrow we’ll focus on the first two verses.  When David said of Jesus “Blessed is the one who considers the poor…”, he is also speaking about you.  Your blessed Lord Jesus considers you, yes you, a poor, miserable sinner and Jesus saves you from your sins!  Jesus will certainly deliver you from your days of trouble, so that you, too, will be “called blessed”.  

May the Holy Spirit stir up your heart with God's Word this week, and throughout the coming season of Lent!

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188     mobile:  248.881.7627

We are Pilgrims with a Purpose:  

       Sharing God’s Love & Mercy with Each Other & the World.

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom..."  Psalm 111:10a