Monday, November 28, 2022

Pilgrim Worship Sunday November 27, 2022


  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The First Sunday in Advent

November 27, 2022

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our 10:30 am Worship Service.  Afterward, we gathered for food & conversations, as we welcomed three new baptized members!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!

Here is information about today's worship service:

   Old Testament:  Isaiah 2:1–5
                Psalm:  Psalm 122
               Epistle:  Romans 13:8–14
               Gospel:  Matthew 24:36–44


Advent is a season full of spiritual paradox; we’re waiting and preparing for a glorious event & day which has already happened, and which points us to an even better and more glorious event & day which is yet to come! 

On this first day in Advent, Isaiah helps us gaze out from another paradox; the holy mountain of the house of the Lord.  This mountain is both a real place and a picture of something far more glorious.  The Word of the Lord goes out from this holy mountain and gives us light and footholds for walking in the Lord’s paths.

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace to you on this, the Lord's Day!

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3

Thursday, November 24, 2022

Thanksgiving Thursday Psalm: God's Steadfast Love Endures Forever!


Happy & Blessed Thanksgiving to each of you!

When thinking about this day, and giving thanks to God, Psalm 136 came to mind.  It is longer than most I post, but there is a purpose in that...  

Why did I choose this psalm, you might ask?  The word "thanks" is only used four times in 378 [approximately ๐Ÿ˜‰] words.  Only four of 26 verses include "thanks".  Pastor Mark must be losing his mind, or cant count, you might think.  

We are told to "GIve thanks" to the God who is good, who is above all gods, who loves you and me "steadfastly", and this love endures  "forever".  Wow, if this psalm were only those four verses, it would still be a blessed & wonderful teaching for us.  As has been famously burned into our minds:  "But wait, there's more!"  As if God's enduring, steadfast love, given to you and me forever was not enough, David the psalmist gives us even more reason to give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.

Psalm 136  His Steadfast Love Endures Forever

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good,

      for His steadfast love endures forever.

   Give thanks to the God of gods,

      for His steadfast love endures forever.

   Give thanks to the Lord of lords,

      For His steadfast love endures forever;

   to Him who alone does great wonders,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

   to Him who by understanding made the heavens,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

   to Him who spread out the earth above the waters,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

   to Him who made the great lights,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

   the sun to rule over the day,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

   the moon and stars to rule over the night,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

10  to Him who struck down the firstborn of Egypt,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

11  and brought Israel out from among them,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

12  with a strong hand and an outstretched arm,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

13  to Him who divided the Red Sea in two,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

14  and made Israel pass through the midst of it,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

15  but overthrew Pharaoh and his host in the Red Sea,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

16  to Him who led His people through the wilderness,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

17  to Him who struck down great kings,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

18  and killed mighty kings,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

19  Sihon, king of the Amorites,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

20  and Og, king of Bashan,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

21  and gave their land as a heritage,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

22  a heritage to Israel His servant,

      for His steadfast love endures forever.

23  It is He who remembered us in our low estate,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

24  and rescued us from our foes,

      for His steadfast love endures forever;

25  He who gives food to all flesh,

      for His steadfast love endures forever.

26  Give thanks to the God of heaven,

      for His steadfast love endures forever. 

Notice the tense of the verbs.  In verses 1-4, the verbs are present tense.  The Lordis doing these things right now.  Verses 4-22 describe things the Lord has done for Israel, His church.  Then in the last verses [vv 23-25], it gets personal.  God remembers us, God rescues us, and God gives us the things we need.  WOW!  That just about covers our lives; Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, in so, so many ways!

Now, about the tedious length and repetition in this psalm...  I'll bet many of you started skimming through these verses after about the 6th verse or so.  Do we really need to read and hear "...for His steadfast love endures forever"  26 times?   Well, yes.  Isn't that one of the key points God is trying to teach us?  God's love is everlasting.  God's forgiveness is over-and-over-and-over....  Day in, day out.  Hour in, hour out.  God's love and forgiveness endures forever, which means these gifts are there for you every day for your entire life!  We daily drown the old Adam in us:  confess, receive forgiveness, then live joyfully.  

So on this Thanksgiving Day, I do encourage you to read this entire psalm, slowly and yes, dwell on all 26 repetitions of "...for His steadfast love endures forever"!  Then reflect on how many & different ways you experience & have experienced God's steadfast love in your life.  This will make for a blessed and thankful Thanksgiving Day!

Thanks be to God, for all His blessings!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3 

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Pilgrim Worship Sunday November 20, 2022


The Crucifixion with the Two Thieves   Jan Snellinck (1549-1638)

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The Last Sunday in the Church Year

November 20, 2022

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our 10:30 am Worship Service.  Afterward, we gathered for food, conversations, and Adult Bible study, while the children enjoyed Sunday School.  These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!

Here is information about today's worship service:

   Old Testament:  Malachi 3:13–18
                Psalm:  Psalm 46
               Epistle:  Colossians 1:13–20
               Gospel:  Luke 23:27–43

The Church calendar has reached its annual conclusion; today is the Sunday of the FulfillmentChrist the King Sunday, or simply the Last Sunday in the Church Year.  By any name, today concludes our emphasis begun on All Saints Sunday:  death, Christ’s return in judgement, heaven & hell, and the promise of a new Heaven and a new earth.  With our citizenship in heaven, we are all pilgrims, who have no lasting city in this dying world, but we’re looking forward to our enduring & eternal city, which is yet to come.

The “Last” Gospel text takes us to the cross, the foundation for all these themes.  Here, Jesus suffered so intensely, and endured pain beyond anyone’s understanding, taking the sin punishment for all people and praying  “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.”  So, we’ll “come to Calvary’s holy mountain, sinners ruined by the fall…here the troubled, peace may find.”

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace to you on this, the Lord's Day!

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Thursday Psalms: My Soul Waits for the Lord!


This coming Sunday is the Last Sunday in the Church Year, and the year's Gospel lessons end with Jesus Christ on Calvary's cross, at the end of His earthly life.  As we focus on the last days we consider Jesus' last day, our own last days, and the Last Day when Christ will return in judgement.  And so we wait...

  PSALM 130

Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord!  

Lord, hear my voice!

     Let Your ears be attentive to the voice of my pleas for mercy!

If You, O Lord, should mark iniquities, 

      O Lord, who could stand?

But with You there is forgiveness,

      that You may be feared.

I wait for the Lord, my soul waits,

     and in His word I hope.

my soul waits for the Lord

     more than watchmen for the morning,

         more than watchmen for the morning.

O Israel, hope in the Lord! 

     For with the Lord, there is steadfast love,

          and with Him is plentiful redemption.

8  And He will redeem Israel from all her iniquities.

While we wait for Jesus Christ to return, we are more blessed than the psalmist, because we have seen the Father's promised salvation, in Jesus Christ!  In Jesus alone is there forgiveness, and He freely and generously gives His forgiveness to all who believe in Him!  In Him we receive steadfast love and plentiful redemption

And so, we wait...with forgiven hearts, full of thanks and praise for the Lord, our Savior.

Amen.  Come, Lord Jesus!   Revelation 22:20

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3 

Monday, November 14, 2022

A GREAT Way to Start Any Day!

How do you usually wake up and start a typical day? Do you jump right up and bound off to the day's tasks? Do you awaken more slowly, enjoying a relaxing cup of coffee, tea or something to eat? At some point, it's a good bet you turn your thoughts to... "What do I need to do today?". Consider this wonderful Psalm, especially verses 8-12.

PSALM 143 A Psalm of David.
  1 Hear my prayer, O Lord;
       give ear to my pleas for mercy!
     In Your faithfulness answer me, in Your righteousness!
  2 Enter not into judgment with Your servant,
       for no one living is righteous before You.
  3 For the enemy has pursued my soul;
       he has crushed my life to the ground;
          he has made me sit in darkness like those long dead.
  4 Therefore my spirit faints within me;
       my heart within me is appalled.
  5 I remember the days of old;
       I meditate on all that you have done;
          I ponder the work of your hands.
  6 I stretch out my hands to You;
       my soul thirsts for You like a parched land.
  7 Answer me quickly, O Lord!
       My spirit fails!
          Hide not Your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit.
  8 Let me hear in the morning of Your steadfast love, for in You I trust.
       Make me know the way I should go, for to You I lift up my soul.
  9 Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord!
       I have fled to You for refuge.
  10 Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God!
       Let Your good Spirit lead me on level ground!
  11 For Your name’s sake, O Lord, preserve my life!
       In Your righteousness, bring my soul out of trouble!
  12 And in Your steadfast love You will cut off my enemies,
       and You will destroy all the adversaries of my soul,
          for I am Your servant.

David gives us such a great example; what a blessed way to start each day! First, acknowledging our sins and unworthiness as we plead for God's mercy [vv 1-2]. Second, we can't hide or escape our troubles, be they sickness, oppressing enemies or any other harsh thing [ vv 3-7]. Then, we remember [vv 5, 8] all that God has done for His people and for us, which leads us to trust in Him, to guide all our ways. And lastly, we join David in praying for our day; the tasks to be done, and the presence of God with us!

I know that this or a similar "first-of-the-day" prayer is a great blessing to me, and I suspect such a prayer would be to you also!
Hear my prayer, O Lord; give ear to my pleas for mercy! In Your faithfulness answer me, in Your righteousness!

Peace in Christ to you this day, and every day!

Pastor Mark
Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS Burton, Michigan
office: 810.744.1188
mobile: 248.881.7627

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head." Psalm 3:3 

Pilgrim Worship Sunday November 13, 2022


  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

The Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost

November 13, 2022

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our 10:30 am Worship Service.  Afterward, we gathered for food, conversations, and Adult Bible study, while the children enjoyed Sunday School.  These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!

Here is information about today's worship service:


            Old Testament:   Malachi 4:1-6

                         Psalm:   Psalm 98

                        Epistle:   2 Thessalonians 3:1-13

                        Gospel:   Luke 21:5–36

Too often, the troubles of life and the attacks of the devil come at us in waves.  One after another, we face difficulties; yours may include sickness, broken relationships, or loneliness, to name only a few.  The waves are many and sometimes they just don’t seem to stop.  All this came to mind while reading the Gospel lesson for today.  

Yet God gives us glimpses of promise, during the crashing waves, and between them.  What is the best assurance God gives to you?  He and His words remain forever!  In this rock-solid promise, which stands against all the waves of persecution, you have God’s assurance of your own final victory over sin and death, won for you by Jesus!

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace to you on this, the Lord's Day!

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3

Thursday, November 10, 2022

Thursday Psalms: Sing to the LORD!


With all the turmoil and trouble around us, and struggles in our own lives, it's hard to be joyful and praising and singing all the time.  Like waves crashing onto a pier, we often get hit with one thing after another.  Some waves are big and some are smaller, but it  often seems like there is no end to them.

In Psalm 98, God encourages us to think differently.  God invites us to sing a new song, to make a joyful noise and to sing praises to Him.  We know these things, but how can we actually do them?

   PSALM  98

Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!

  His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him.

The Lord has made known His salvation;

     He has revealed His righteousness in the sight of the nations.

He has remembered His steadfast love and faithfulness to the house of Israel.

     All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.

Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth;

     break forth into joyous song, and sing praises!

Sing praises to the Lord with the lyre,

     with the lyre and the sound of melody!

With trumpets and the sound of the horn

     make a joyful noise before the King, the Lord!

Let the sea roar, and all that fills it;

     the world and those who dwell in it!

Let the rivers clap their hands;

     let the hills sing for joy together

before the Lord, for He comes to judge the earth.

     He will judge the world with righteousness, and the peoples with equity. 

Our encouragement comes as God reminds us of what He has done, is doing and will do for you and for me.  

Oh sing to the Lord a new song, for He has done marvelous things!

We get to sing because of what God has done.  Notice all the past-tense verbs in verses 1-3.  The best way to find God's encouragement during times of trouble is NOT to look at the trouble, but look back at what God has ALREADY done for you and me!   

With God's undeniable grace and mercy in our minds, then we can join with all of God's creation in praising Him [vv 4-9].  Even the seas and the whales, the rivers and fishes, the hills and all the plants and animals, EVERYTHING God created praises the Creator!  All of these verbs are present tense, present action, including in verse nine where God comes to us.  You are God's child NOW; God loves you and lives in you!  Yes, He comes to judge the earth but He has already come and saved the earth in His Son Jesus Christ.  And, He will come again to judge a final time, but we do not fear God's final judgement.  All those who believe and confess Jesus, who has given His righteousness to them, will be saved from punishment and our bodies will be resurrected to eternal life in heaven.

So, don't look at the waves; remind yourself of your God, who has already saved you!  Then sing and dance and praise like crazy.  Maybe people around you will think you are crazy, and maybe somebody will become curious about why, ...and then you can tell them!

Peace in Christ,

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3 

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

An Election Day Prayer


Please click HERE for an election day prayer.

Peace in Christ,
Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But You, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.”  Psalm 3:3

Monday, November 7, 2022

Pilgrim Worship Sunday November 6, 2022


The Adoration of the Lamb, Albrecht Dรผrer  1497-98

  Pilgrim Lutheran Church

All Saints Sunday

November 6, 2022

We're thankful you've come here to watch our service and to worship the one true God!

This was another exciting Sunday at Pilgrim Lutheran Church!  Once again, we had lots of great activities going on, starting with our 10:30 am Worship Service.  Afterward, we gathered for food, conversations, and Adult Bible study, while the children enjoyed Sunday School.  These classes are full of activities and teaching, so the children learn how much God loves them!

If you live in the Burton area, please consider joining us on Sunday mornings!

Here is information about today's worship service:


     First Reading:   Revelation 7:9-17

                 Psalm:   Psalm 149

                Epistle:   1 John 3:1-3

                Gospel:   Matthew 5:1–12

As many of you know, God has recently blessed Debra & I with our first grandchild.  I’m reminded of something we’ve all known for years; there is great interest in announcing who a new baby looks like!  "She has her dad’s nose, or ears!"  or "He has his mother’s eyes!"  For many of us, physical appearances or actions or personalities identify us with our family our entire lives.  “Wow, you can sure tell she’s a fill-in-a-last-name!”

In the Epistle lesson for today, God uses the words written by St. Paul to remind us of our family connection:  we are His children!  Not because we have a nose or ears that look like God, but because God has shown & given us His amazing love!  God has made you and me His saints, joined with all His other saints who have walked this earth before us and are now in the heavenly choir.  What a privilege and gift we have, to be called saints, to be children of God!

To watch the video of today's service, please click HERE.

Peace to you on this, the Lord's Day!

Pastor Mark

Pilgrim Lutheran Church, LCMS    Burton, Michigan

office:  810.744.1188

mobile:  248.881.7627

Pilgrim Website

Pilgrim Facebook page

Pilgrim Worship blog page

Soli Deo Gloria

"But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head."  Psalm 3:3